Second Lawn Cut of the Season

The perfect lawn we all want

Out in the garden this morning the sun is shining and finally the grass is starting to move.

After giving the mower a quick going over and doing the second cut of the season it’s all looking a little tired and in need of a tonic.

The moss is trying to stop the grass growing and I’ve been looking at various ways of tackling it without that black mess you get from using sulphate of iron.

At one of the gardening shows picked up some info on MO Bacter, an organic lawn fertiliser which boosts the grass, kills the moss (without chemicals) and contains bacteria which literally eats the browning debris.
A friend who tried it last year had such amazing results that he recommended it to three of his friends – including me.

I’m about to order a bag, from DJ Turfcare in Dunsfold, Surrey, to see just how well it works.
Apparently as the soil warms up – which has taken longer this year than I can remember in recent years – the bacteria are even more effective in removing the debris. I’ll keep you posted.