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DJ Turfcare are the sole distributor of Viano Organics Products in the United Kingdom

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Spreader Settings

TYPE of SPREADERMO BacterBio-Lime for Lawns Intensive ApplicationBio-Lime for Lawns maintenanceRecovery Intensive ApplicationRecovery MaintenanceLawn BoostAutumn Lawn Treatment
Application per m2 100 - 150 grams 100 grams 50 grams 100 grams 50 grams 50 grams 50 grams
Viano rotary spreader (Green Hopper) 18 Twice 30 Once 15 Once 30 Once 15 Once 15 Once 15 Once
Viano rotary spreader (Blue Hopper) 10 Twice 8 Twice 8 Once 10 Twice 10 Once 10 Once 10 Once
Scotts rotary EasyGreen 32 Twice 32 Twice 32 Once 32 Twice 32 Once 32 Once 32 Once
Scotts Drop EvenGreen 15 Once 7 Twice 17 Once 15 Once 7 Once 7 Once 7 Once
Scotts Drop EverGreen 7 Twice 7 Twice 7 Once 7 Twice 7 Once 7 Once 7 Once
Earthway Even Spread 2000 rotary 23 Twice 26 Twice 26 Once 23 Twice 23 Once 23 Once 23 Once
Vitax Precision drop spreader 9 Twice 10 Twice 10 Once 9 Twice 9 Once 9 Once 9 Once
Cresco spreader 15 Once 15 Twice 15 Once 15 Twice 15 Once 10 Once 10 Once

When more than one application is made, it is best to apply the second spreading at 90 degrees to the first.

These spreader settings are for guidance only.

Some spreader are more accurate than other so for this reason we always suggest that you check the delivery rate before applying the fertiliser.

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Your Lawn Survival Guide

Your Lawn Survival Guide

We have created this handy download for you so can easily create your own lawn maintenance calendar.